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Find us at 6pm every Wednesday, on the first floor of The Angel pub.

61 St Giles High St, London WC2H 8LE

All are welcome to attend.

We also host public fora, teach-ins, and informal coffee breaks and pub nights. Find us on Facebook for updates: London Platypus.

• required / + recommended reading

Recommended winter break preliminary readings:

+ Leszek Kolakowski, â€œThe concept of the Left” (1958)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)
+ Sebastian Haffner, Failure of a Revolution: Germany 1918–19 (1968)
+ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans, Introducing Trotsky and Marxism / Trotsky for Beginners (1980)
+ James Joll, The Second International 1889–1914 (1966)
+ Carl Schorske, The SPD 1905-17: The Development of the Great Schism (1955)
+ J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg (1966) [Vol. 1] [Vol. 2]
+ Edmund Wilson, To the Finland Station: A Study in the Writing and Acting of History (1940), Part II. Ch. (1–4,) 5–10, 12–16; Part III. Ch. 1–6

Winter–Spring 2023

II. Introduction to revolutionary Marxism

Week 11. Revolutionary leadership | Feb. 1, 2023

• Rosa Luxemburg, “The Crisis of German Social Democracy” Part 1 (1915) [HTML]
• J. P. Nettl“The German Social Democratic Party 1890–1914 as a Political Model” (1965)
• Cliff Slaughter, “What is Revolutionary Leadership?” (1960)

Week 12. Reform or revolution? | Feb. 8, 2023

• LuxemburgReform or Revolution? (1900/08)
+ Eugene Debs, "Competition versus Cooperation" (1900)

Week 13. Feb. 15 (reading week)

Week 14. Lenin and the vanguard party | Feb. 22, 2023

• Spartacist LeagueLenin and the Vanguard Party (1978)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Week 15. What is to be done? | Mar. 1, 2023

• V. I. LeninWhat is to be Done? (1902)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Week 16. Mass strike and social democracy | Mar. 8, 2023

• LuxemburgThe Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions (1906)
+ Luxemburg, "Blanquism and Social Democracy" (1906)

Week 17. Permanent revolution | Mar. 15, 2023

• Leon TrotskyResults and Prospects (1906)
+ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans, Introducing Trotsky and Marxism / Trotsky for Beginners (1980)

Week 18. State and revolution | Mar. 22, 2023

• LeninThe State and Revolution (1917)

Week 19. Mar. 30, 2023 [Platypus international convention]

Week 20. Imperialism | Apr. 5, 2023

“The bourgeoisie makes it its business to promote trusts, drive women and children into the factories, subject them to corruption and suffering, condemn them to extreme poverty. We do not ‘demand’ such development, we do not ‘support’ it. We fight it. But how do we fight? We explain that trusts and the employment of women in industry are progressive. We do not want a return to the handicraft system, pre-monopoly capitalism, domestic drudgery for women. Forward through the trusts, etc., and beyond them to socialism!”
— Lenin, The Military Programme of the Proletarian Revolution (1916/17)

• LeninImperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916)
+ Lenin, Socialism and War Ch. 1 The principles of socialism and the War of 1914–15 (1915)

Week 21. Failure of the revolution | Apr. 12, 2023

• Luxemburg“What does the Spartacus League Want?” (1918)
• Luxemburg“On the Spartacus Programme” (1918)
+ Luxemburg, "German Bolshevism" (AKA "The Socialisation of Society") (1918)
+ Luxemburg, â€œThe Russian Tragedy” (1918)
+ Luxemburg, â€œOrder Reigns in Berlin” (1919)
+ Eugene Debs, â€œThe Day of the People” (1919)
+ Sebastian Haffner, Failure of a Revolution: Germany 1918–19 (1968)

Week 22. Retreat after revolution | Apr. 19, 2023

• Lenin“Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder (1920)
+ Lenin, "Notes of a Publicist" (1922)

Week 23. Dialectic of reification | Apr. 26, 2023

• LukĂĄcs“The Standpoint of the Proletariat” (Part III of “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat,” 1923). Available in three sections from marxists.orgsection 1 section 2 section 3
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
Commodity form chart of terms
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms + Organic composition of capital chart of terms
Reification chart of terms
+ LukĂĄcs, â€œThe phenomenon of reification” (Part I of “Reification and the consciousness of the proletariat,” History and Class Consciousness, 1923)

Week 24. Lessons of October | May 3, 2023

• TrotskyThe Lessons of October (1924) [PDF]
• Trotsky"Stalinism and Bolshevism" (1937)

Week 25. Trotskyism | May 10, 2023

+ Trotsky, "To build communist parties and an international anew" (1933)
+ Trotsky, "If America should go communist" (1934)
• TrotskyThe Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International (AKA The Transitional Program and the Struggle for Socialism, 1938)
+ Trotsky, "Trade unions in the epoch of imperialist decay" (1940)
+ Trotsky, Letter to James Cannon (September 12, 1939)

Week 26. The authoritarian state | May 17, 2023

• Friedrich Pollock"State Capitalism: Its Possibilities and Limitations" (1941) (note 32 on USSR)
• Max Horkheimer, "The Authoritarian State" (1942) [PDF]
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms 

Week 27. On the concept of history | May 24, 2023

• epigraphs by Louis Menand (on Edmund Wilson) and Peter Preuss (on Nietzsche) on the modern concept of history
+ Charles Baudelaire, from FusĂŠes [Rockets] (1867)
+ Bertolt Brecht, "To posterity" (1939)
+ Walter Benjamin, "To the planetarium" (from One-Way Street, 1928)
+ Benjamin, "Fire alarm" (from One-Way Street, 1928)
+ Benjamin, "Experience and poverty" (1933)
+ Benjamin, Theologico-political fragment (1921/39?)
epigraphs by Hegel and W.E.B. DuBois on history
Benjamin on history chart of terms
• Benjamin"On the Concept of History" (AKA "Theses on the Philosophy of History") (1940) [PDF]
• BenjaminParalipomena to "On the Concept of History" (1940)
+ Benjamin, Arcades Project Convolute N, "On the theory of knowledge, theory of progress" (see especially p. 471 [N8,1] on Horkheimer on unredeemablility of past suffering)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms

Week 28. Reflections on Marxism | May 31, 2023

Capital in history timeline and chart of terms
Benjamin on history chart of terms
• Theodor Adorno“Reflections on Class Theory” (1942)
• Adorno“Imaginative Excesses” (1944–47)
+ Adorno, letter to Benjamin on "The Work of Art..." essay and intellectuals and the proletariat (1936)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, Dedication"Bequest""Warning: Not to be Misused" and "Finale"Minima Moralia (1944–47)
+ Horkheimer and Adorno, "Discussion about Theory and Praxis" (AKA "Towards a New Manifesto?") [Deutsch] (1956)

Week 29. Theory and practice | June 7, 2023

+ Adorno, â€œOn Subject and Object” (1969)
Commodity form chart of terms
Reification chart of terms
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms
Adorno's critique of actionism chart of terms
• Adorno“Marginalia to Theory and Praxis” (1969)
• Adorno“Resignation” (1969)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, â€œLate Capitalism or Industrial Society?” (AKA “Is Marx Obsolete?”) (1968)
Organic composition of capital chart of terms
+ Esther Leslie, Introduction to the 1969 Adorno-Marcuse correspondence (1999)
+ Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, correspondence on the German New Left (1969)
+ Adorno, Interview with Der Spiegel magazine (1969)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is EEFD21FF-8079-4EC5-A4DD-31B5FE1A7EBF_1_201_a-scaled.jpeg
Grafik: Armin Schroetter

Der Marxismus nach dem Tod von Marx und Engels erfährt mit dem rasanten Wachstum der Arbeiterbewegung und der Entstehung der zweiten Internationale den Charakter einer politi­schen Massenbewegung, die sich in alle Teile der Welt verbreitet. Wir möchten im ersten Teil des Lesekreises genauer betrachten, worin der berühmt-berüchtigte Marxismus der Arbeiterbe­wegung bestanden und welche Krise ihn vor dem Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges erfasst hat. Der Kampf gegen diese “Krise des Marxismus” hat mit der Oktoberrevolution und der deutschen Arbeiterrevolution von 1918-19 einen welthistorischen Maßstab erreicht, der die Hoffnungen und Katastrophen des zwan­zigsten Jahrhunderts vorbereitete. Was war das Ziel der 1917 eingeleiteten internationalen Revolution und wie ist diese gescheitert? Welche politischen und ideologischen Konsequenzen folgten daraus?

Um diese Fragen näher zu beleuchten, werden wir uns in der zweiten Hälfte des Semesters mit den Reflexionen dieser Entwicklungen beschäftigen, wie sie von zentralen Figuren der Frankfurter Schule entwickelt wurden. Mit Lukåcs, Benjamin, Horkheimer und Adorno werden wir die Spannung, Kontinuität und Differenz zu den Vertretern der klassischen Periode des Marxismus entwickeln und uns somit ein bedeutendes Instrumentarium zum Verständnis der gegenwärtigen Welt anzueignen suchen. Das problematische Verhältnis von Theorie und Pra­xis im Marxismus und seiner Entwicklung hat die Welt des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts entschei­dend geprägt und hinterlässt ihre Narben bis in die Gegenwart. Mit der Erforschung dieses Verhältnisses mÜchten wir Aufschluss darßber erhalten, wie die Vergangenheit unsere eigene Imagination der Zukunft in Bann hält.

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18:30–21:30 Uhr

Rämistrasse 62

FĂźr eventuelle Frage kĂśnnt ihr gerne eine Mail schreiben:

Die Texte werden im Voraus gelesen und dann zusammen diskutiert. Neueinsteiger/innen sind herzlich willkommen. Vorkenntnisse werden keine benĂśtigt.

  • vorausgesetzte / + empfohlene Texte

Empfohlene Vorbereitungs- und Hintergrundliteratur

+ Edmund Wilson: „To the Finland Station: A Study in the Writing and Acting of History“ (1940), Part II. Ch. (1–4,) 5–10, 12–16; Part III. Ch. 1–6

+ Carl Schorske, The SPD 1905-17: The Development of the Great Schism (1955)

+ Leszek Kolakowski: „Der Sinn des Begriffes ‘Linke’” (1958)

+ J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg(1966) [Vol. 1] [Vol. 2]

+ James Joll: „The Second International 1889–1914“ (1966)

+ Sebastian Haffner: “Die deutsche Revolution 1918/19” (1968)

+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z: “Lenin für Anfänger” (1977)

+ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans: „Trotzki für Anfänger“ (1980)


Woche 1. Revolutionäre Fßhrung | 10.02.2023

• Rosa Luxemburg, â€žDie ‚Junius-BroschĂźre‘ / Krise der Sozialdemokratie“ Teil I. (1916)
• J. P. Nettl, â€œThe German Social Democratic Party 1890–1914 as a Political Model” (1965)
• Cliff Slaughter, “What is Revolutionary Leadership?” (1960)

Woche 2. Reform oder Revolution? | 17.02.2023

• Luxemburg, „Sozialreform oder Revolution“ (1899)
+ Eugene Debs, “Competition vs. Cooperation” (1900)

Woche 3. Lenin und die Avantgardepartei | 24.02.2023

• Spartakist-BroschĂźre, Lenin und die Avantgardepartei (1978)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Woche 4. Was tun? | 10.03.2023

• W. I. Lenin, „Was tun?“ (1902)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Woche 5. Massenstreik und Sozialdemokratie | 17.03.2023

• Luxemburg, â€žMassenstreik, Partei und Gewerkschaften“ (1906)
+ Luxemburg, „Blanquismus und Sozialdemokratie“ (1906)

Woche 6. Permanente Revolution | 24.03.2023

• Leo Trotzki, „Ergebnisse und Perspektiven“ (1906)
+ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans, Introducing Trotsky and Marxism / Trotsky for Beginners (1980)

Woche 7. Staat und Revolution | 07.04.2023

• Lenin, â€žStaat und Revolution“ (1917)

Woche 8. Imperialismus | 14.04.2023

“Es ist die Sache der Bourgeoisie, die Trusts zu fördern, Kinder und Frauen in die Fabriken zu jagen, sie dort zu martern, zu korrumpieren, unsäglichem Elend preiszugeben. Wir „unterstützen“ diese Entwicklung nicht, wir „fordern“ so etwas nicht, wir kämpfen dagegen. Aber wie kämpfen wir? Wir erklären, die Trusts und die Fabrikarbeit der Frauen sind progressiv. Wir wollen nicht zurück, zum Handwerk, zum vormonopolistischen Kapitalismus, zur Hausarbeit der Frauen. Vorwärts über die Trusts usw. hinaus und durch sie zum Sozialismus.”

– Lenin: Das Militärprogramm der proletarischen Revolution (1916)

• Lenin, „Der Imperialismus als hĂśchstes Stadium des Kapitalismus“ (1916)
+ Lenin, â€žSozialismus und Krieg“ (1915)

Woche 9. Scheitern der Revolution | 21.04.2023

• Luxemburg, „Was will der Spartakusbund?“ (1918)
• Luxemburg, „Unser Programm und die politische Situation“ (1918)
+ Luxemburg, „Die Sozialisierung der Gesellschaft“ (1918)
+ Luxemburg, â€žDie russische TragĂśdie“ (1918)
+ Luxemburg, „Die Ordnung herrscht in Berlin“ (1919)
+ Eugene Debs, â€œThe Day of the People” (1919)
+ Sebastian Haffner: „Die deutsche Revolution 1918/19“ (1968) [engl. PDF]

Woche 10. RĂźckzug nach der Revolution | 28.04.2023

• Lenin, „Der „Linke Radikalismus“, die Kinderkrankheit im Kommunismus“ (1920)
+ Lenin, „Notizen eines Publizisten“ (1922/24)

Woche 11. Dialektik der Verdinglichung | 28.04.2023

• Georg LukĂĄcs, â€žDer Standpunkt des Proletariats“ (= Teil III. des Kapitels „Die Verdinglichung und das Bewußtsein des Proletariats“) in Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein (1923)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
Commodity form chart of terms
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms + Organic composition of capital chart of terms
Reification chart of terms
+ LukĂĄcs, „Das Phänomen der Verdinglichung“ (Teil I des Kapitels „Die Verdinglichung und das Bewusstsein des Proletariats“, in Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein (1923)

Woche 12. Lehren des Oktobers | 05.05.2023

• Trotzki, „1917 – Die Lehren des Oktobers“ (1924)
• Trotzki, „Bolschewismus und Stalinismus“ (1937)

Woche 13. Trotzkismus | 12.05.2023

+ Trotzki, â€œTo Build Communist Parties and an International Anew” (1933)
+ Trotzki, â€žWenn Amerika kommunistisch wĂźrde“ (1934)
• Trotzki, â€žDer Todeskampf des Kapitalismus und die Aufgaben der 4. Internationale“ (Das Übergangsprogramm) (1938)
+ Trotzki, â€žDie Gewerkschaften in der Epoche des imperialistischen Niedergangs“ (1940)
+ Trotzki, „Brief an James P. Cannon“ (1939)

Woche 14. Der autoritäre Staat | 19.05.2023

• Friedrich Pollock, â€žStaatskapitalismus“ (1941)
• Max Horkheimer, â€žAutoritärer Staat“ (1940/1942)
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms 

Woche 15. Über den Begriff der Geschichte | 26.05.2023

• epigraphs by Louis Menand (on Edmund Wilson) and Peter Preuss (on Nietzsche) on the modern concept of history
+ Charles Baudelaire, from FusĂŠes [Rockets] (1867)
+ Bertolt Brecht, „An die Nachgeborenen“ (1939)
+ Walter Benjamin, „Zum Planetarium“ (aus: Einbahnstraße, 1928)
+ Benjamin, „Feuermelder“ (aus: Einbahnstraße, 1928)
+ Benjamin, „Erfahrung und Armut“ (1933)
+ Benjamin, Theologisch-politisches Fragment (1921/39?)
Benjamin on history chart of terms
• Benjamin, â€žĂœber den Begriff der Geschichte“ (1940)
• Benjamin, „Paralipomena zu den Thesen Über den Begriff der Geschichte“ (1940)
+ Benjamin, Das Passagen-Werk Konvolut N, „Erkenntnistheoretisches, Theorie des Fortschritts“ (v. a. S. 588 f.)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms

Woche 16. Reflexionen Ăźber den Marxismus | 02.06.2023

Capital in history timeline and chart of terms
Benjamin on history chart of terms
• Theodor Adorno, â€žReflexionen zur Klassentheorie“ (1942)
• Adorno, „Ausschweifung“ (Anhang Minima Moralia) (1944–47)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, „Zueignung“, „Vermächtnis“, „Vor Mißbrauch wird gewarnt“ und „Zum Ende“ aus Minima Moralia (1944-47)
+ Horkheimer and Adorno, Diskussion Ăźber Theorie und Praxis (1956)

Woche 17. Theorie und Praxis | 09.06.2023

+ Adorno, „Zu Subjekt und Objekt“ (1969)
Commodity form chart of terms
Reification chart of terms
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms
Adorno's critique of actionism chart of terms
• Adorno, „Marginalien zu Theorie und Praxis“ (1969)
• Adorno, „Resignation“ (1969)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, „Spätkapitalismus oder Industriegesellschaft?“ (1968) [Audio]
Organic composition of capital chart of terms
+ Esther Leslie, Introduction to the 1969 Adorno-Marcuse correspondence (1999)
+ Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, „Briefwechsel über die Neue Linke“ [Dokumente Nr. 300, 313, 322, 336, 338, 340 & 349] (1969)
+ Der Spiegel, Interview mit T. W. Adorno: „Keine Angst vor dem Elfenbeinturm“ (1969)


Sundays, 12:00 - 3:00PM
Harper 135
1116 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637

Join at any session / no prior knowledge assumed

Facebook events for each session can be found @uchicagoplatypus

(• required readings / + recommended readings)

Week 1. What is the Left? I. Introduction: Capital in history | Jan. 8, 2023

• Max Horkheimer"The little man and the philosophy of freedom" (1926–31)

• epigraphs on modern history and freedom by Louis Menand (on Marx and Engels), Karl Marxon "becoming" (from the Grundrisse, 1857–58), and Peter Preuss (on history)

Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) chart of terms

• Chris Cutrone"Capital in history" (2008)

Capital in history timeline and chart of terms

video of Communist University 2011 London presentation

Capitalist contradiction chart of terms

• Cutrone"The Marxist hypothesis" (2010)

• Cutrone“Class consciousness (from a Marxist perspective) today” (2012)

+ G.M. Tamas, "Telling the truth about class" [HTML] (2007)

+ Robert Pippin, "On Critical Theory" (2004)

+ Rainer Maria Rilke, "Archaic Torso of Apollo" (1908)

Week 2. What is the Left?  II. Utopia and critique | Jan. 15, 2022

• Max Horkheimerselections from Dämmerung (1926–31)

• Adorno“Imaginative Excesses” (1944–47)

• Leszek Kolakowski“The concept of the Left” (1958)

• Herbert Marcuse"Note on dialectic" (1960)

• MarxTo make the world philosophical (from Marx's dissertation, 1839–41), pp. 9–11

• MarxFor the ruthless criticism of everything existing (letter to Arnold Ruge, September 1843), pp. 12–15

Capitalist contradiction chart of terms 

Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms

Week 3. What is Marxism? I. Socialism | Jan. 22, 2023

• Marxselections from Economic and philosophic manuscripts (1844), pp. 70–101

Commodity form chart of terms

Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms

Capitalist contradiction chart of terms 

• Marx and Friedrich Engelsselections from the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), pp. 469–500

• Marx, The coming upheaval (from The Poverty of Philosophy, 1847), pp. 218–19


II. Introduction to revolutionary Marxism

Week 11. Revolutionary leadership | Jan. 29, 2023

• Rosa Luxemburg, “The Crisis of German Social Democracy” Part 1 (1915)
• J. P. Nettl“The German Social Democratic Party 1890–1914 as a Political Model” (1965)
• Cliff Slaughter, “What is Revolutionary Leadership?” (1960)

Week 12. Reform or revolution? | Feb. 5, 2023

• LuxemburgReform or Revolution? (1900/08)
+ Eugene Debs, "Competition versus Cooperation" (1900)

Week 13. Lenin and the vanguard party | Feb. 12, 2023

• Spartacist LeagueLenin and the Vanguard Party (1978)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Week 14. What is to be done? | Feb. 19, 2023

• V. I. LeninWhat is to be Done? (1902)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Week 15. Mass strike and social democracy | Feb. 26, 2023

• LuxemburgThe Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions (1906)
+ Luxemburg, "Blanquism and Social Democracy" (1906)

Week 16. Permanent revolution | Mar. 5, 2023

• Leon TrotskyResults and Prospects (1906)
+ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans, Introducing Trotsky and Marxism / Trotsky for Beginners (1980)

Week 17. Mar. 12, 2021 (spring break)

Week 18. Mar. 19, 2021 (spring break)

Week 19. State and revolution | Mar. 26, 2023

• LeninThe State and Revolution (1917)

Week 20. Apr. 2, 2023 (international convention)

Week 21. Imperialism | Apr. 9, 2023

“The bourgeoisie makes it its business to promote trusts, drive women and children into the factories, subject them to corruption and suffering, condemn them to extreme poverty. We do not ‘demand’ such development, we do not ‘support’ it. We fight it. But how do we fight? We explain that trusts and the employment of women in industry are progressive. We do not want a return to the handicraft system, pre-monopoly capitalism, domestic drudgery for women. Forward through the trusts, etc., and beyond them to socialism!”
— Lenin, The Military Programme of the Proletarian Revolution (1916/17)

• LeninImperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916)
+ Lenin, Socialism and War Ch. 1 The principles of socialism and the War of 1914–15 (1915)

Week 22. Failure of the revolution | Apr. 16, 2023

• Luxemburg“What does the Spartacus League Want?” (1918)
• Luxemburg“On the Spartacus Programme” (1918)
+ Luxemburg, "German Bolshevism" (AKA "The Socialisation of Society") (1918)
+ Luxemburg, â€œThe Russian Tragedy” (1918)
+ Luxemburg, â€œOrder Reigns in Berlin” (1919)
+ Eugene Debs, â€œThe Day of the People” (1919)
+ Sebastian Haffner, Failure of a Revolution: Germany 1918–19 (1968)

Week 23. Retreat after revolution | Apr. 23, 2023

• Lenin“Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder (1920)
+ Lenin, "Notes of a Publicist" (1922)

Week 24. Lessons of October | Apr. 30, 2021

• TrotskyThe Lessons of October (1924) [PDF]
• Trotsky"Stalinism and Bolshevism" (1937)

Week 25. Trotskyism | May 7, 2023

+ Trotsky, "To build communist parties and an international anew" (1933)
+ Trotsky, "If America should go communist" (1934)
• TrotskyThe Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International (AKA The Transitional Program and the Struggle for Socialism, 1938)
+ Trotsky, "Trade unions in the epoch of imperialist decay" (1940)
+ Trotsky, Letter to James Cannon (September 12, 1939)

Week 26. The authoritarian state | May 14, 2023

• Friedrich Pollock"State Capitalism: Its Possibilities and Limitations" (1941) (note 32 on USSR)
• Max Horkheimer, "The Authoritarian State" (1942) [PDF]
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms 

Week 27. Reflections on Marxism | May 21, 2023

Capital in history timeline and chart of terms
Benjamin on history chart of terms
• Theodor Adorno“Reflections on Class Theory” (1942)
• Adorno“Imaginative Excesses” (1944–47)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, Dedication"Bequest""Warning: Not to be Misused" and "Finale"Minima Moralia (1944–47)
+ Horkheimer and Adorno, "Discussion about Theory and Praxis" (AKA "Towards a New Manifesto?") [Deutsch] (1956)

Week 28. Theory and practice | May. 28 2023

+ Adorno, â€œOn Subject and Object” (1969)
Commodity form chart of terms
Reification chart of terms
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms
Adorno's critique of actionism chart of terms
• Adorno“Marginalia to Theory and Praxis” (1969)
• Adorno“Resignation” (1969)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, â€œLate Capitalism or Industrial Society?” (AKA “Is Marx Obsolete?”) (1968)
Organic composition of capital chart of terms
+ Esther Leslie, Introduction to the 1969 Adorno-Marcuse correspondence (1999)
+ Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, correspondence on the German New Left (1969)
+ Adorno, Interview with Der Spiegel magazine (1969)

Coffee breaks: weekly informal discussion

For in-person conversation, please join our coffee breaks on Fridays at 5pm at Corridor Cafe at the University of Manchester Students' Union on Oxford Road.

Our weekly coffee breaks are a great way to meet and get to get to know the Platypus project. It’s an opportunity to discuss issues raised in the latest issue of the Platypus Review, consider the state of the Left, and just hang out with people who have similar political interests.

Please invite your friends!

Reading Group II: Introduction to revolutionary Marxism

Tuesdays at 6–8pm in Room A213, Samuel Alexander Building, University of Manchester, off Oxford Road.

Everybody welcome! No prior experience required.

For updates and events, like our Facebook page!

• required / + recommended reading

Marx and Engels readings pp. from Robert C. Tucker, ed., Marx-Engels Reader (Norton 2nd ed., 1978)

Recommended winter break preliminary readings:

+ Leszek Kolakowski, â€œThe concept of the Left” (1958)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)
+ Sebastian Haffner, Failure of a Revolution: Germany 1918–19 (1968)
+ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans, Introducing Trotsky and Marxism / Trotsky for Beginners (1980)
+ James Joll, The Second International 1889–1914 (1966)
+ Carl Schorske, The SPD 1905-17: The Development of the Great Schism (1955)
+ J.P. Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg (1966) [Vol. 1] [Vol. 2]
+ Edmund Wilson, To the Finland Station: A Study in the Writing and Acting of History (1940), Part II. Ch. (1–4,) 5–10, 12–16; Part III. Ch. 1–6

Week 11. Revolutionary leadership | Jan. 31, 2023

• Rosa Luxemburg, “The Crisis of German Social Democracy” Part 1 (1915) [HTML]
• J. P. Nettl“The German Social Democratic Party 1890–1914 as a Political Model” (1965)
• Cliff Slaughter, “What is Revolutionary Leadership?” (1960)

Week 12. Reform or revolution? | Feb. 7, 2023

• LuxemburgReform or Revolution? (1900/08)
+ Eugene Debs, "Competition versus Cooperation" (1900)

Week 13. Lenin and the vanguard party | Feb. 14, 2023

• Spartacist LeagueLenin and the Vanguard Party (1978)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Week 14. What is to be done? | Feb. 21, 2023

• V. I. LeninWhat is to be Done? (1902)
+ Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zarate / A&Z, Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution / Lenin for Beginners (1977)

Week 15. Mass strike and social democracy | Feb. 28, 2023

• LuxemburgThe Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions (1906)
+ Luxemburg, "Blanquism and Social Democracy" (1906)

Week 16. Permanent revolution | Mar. 7, 2023

• Leon TrotskyResults and Prospects (1906)
+ Tariq Ali and Phil Evans, Introducing Trotsky and Marxism / Trotsky for Beginners (1980)

Week 17. State and revolution | Mar. 14, 2023

• LeninThe State and Revolution (1917)

Week 18. Imperialism | Mar. 21, 2023

The bourgeoisie makes it its business to promote trusts, drive women and children into the factories, subject them to corruption and suffering, condemn them to extreme poverty. We do not ‘demand’ such development, we do not ‘support’ it. We fight it. But how do we fight? We explain that trusts and the employment of women in industry are progressive. We do not want a return to the handicraft system, pre-monopoly capitalism, domestic drudgery for women. Forward through the trusts, etc., and beyond them to socialism!

— Lenin, The Military Programme of the Proletarian Revolution (1916/17)

• LeninImperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916)
+ Lenin, Socialism and War Ch. 1 The principles of socialism and the War of 1914–15 (1915)

Week 19–20. Mar. 28–Apr. 4, 2023 [break for Platypus international convention]

Week 21. Failure of the revolution | Apr. 11, 2023

• Luxemburg“What does the Spartacus League Want?” (1918)
• Luxemburg“On the Spartacus Programme” (1918)
+ Luxemburg, "German Bolshevism" (AKA "The Socialisation of Society") (1918)
+ Luxemburg, â€œThe Russian Tragedy” (1918)
+ Luxemburg, â€œOrder Reigns in Berlin” (1919)
+ Eugene Debs, â€œThe Day of the People” (1919)
+ Sebastian Haffner, Failure of a Revolution: Germany 1918–19 (1968)

Week 22. Retreat after revolution | Apr. 18, 2023

• Lenin“Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder (1920)
+ Lenin, "Notes of a Publicist" (1922)

Week 23. Dialectic of reification | Apr. 25, 2023

• LukĂĄcs“The Standpoint of the Proletariat” (Part III of “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat,” 1923). Available in three sections from marxists.orgsection 1 section 2 section 3
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
Commodity form chart of terms
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms + Organic composition of capital chart of terms
Reification chart of terms
+ LukĂĄcs, â€œThe phenomenon of reification” (Part I of “Reification and the consciousness of the proletariat,” History and Class Consciousness, 1923)

Week 24. Lessons of October | May 2, 2023

• TrotskyThe Lessons of October (1924) [PDF]
• Trotsky"Stalinism and Bolshevism" (1937)

Week 25. Trotskyism | May 9, 2023

+ Trotsky, "To build communist parties and an international anew" (1933)
+ Trotsky, "If America should go communist" (1934)
• TrotskyThe Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International (AKA The Transitional Program and the Struggle for Socialism, 1938)
+ Trotsky, "Trade unions in the epoch of imperialist decay" (1940)
+ Trotsky, Letter to James Cannon (September 12, 1939)

Week 26. The authoritarian state | May 16, 2023

• Friedrich Pollock"State Capitalism: Its Possibilities and Limitations" (1941) (note 32 on USSR)
• Max Horkheimer, "The Authoritarian State" (1942) [PDF]
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms

Week 27. On the concept of history | May 23, 2023

• epigraphs by Louis Menand (on Edmund Wilson) and Peter Preuss (on Nietzsche) on the modern concept of history
+ Charles Baudelaire, from FusĂŠes [Rockets] (1867)
+ Bertolt Brecht, "To posterity" (1939)
+ Walter Benjamin, "To the planetarium" (from One-Way Street, 1928)
+ Benjamin, "Fire alarm" (from One-Way Street, 1928)
+ Benjamin, "Experience and poverty" (1933)
+ Benjamin, Theologico-political fragment (1921/39?)
epigraphs by Hegel and W.E.B. DuBois on history
Benjamin on history chart of terms
• Benjamin"On the Concept of History" (AKA "Theses on the Philosophy of History") (1940) [PDF]
• BenjaminParalipomena to "On the Concept of History" (1940)
+ Benjamin, Arcades Project Convolute N, "On the theory of knowledge, theory of progress" (see especially p. 471 [N8,1] on Horkheimer on unredeemablility of past suffering)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms

Week 28. Reflections on Marxism | May 30, 2023

Capital in history timeline and chart of terms
Benjamin on history chart of terms
• Theodor Adorno“Reflections on Class Theory” (1942)
• Adorno“Imaginative Excesses” (1944–47)
+ Adorno, letter to Benjamin on "The Work of Art..." essay and intellectuals and the proletariat (1936)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, Dedication"Bequest""Warning: Not to be Misused" and "Finale"Minima Moralia (1944–47)
+ Horkheimer and Adorno, "Discussion about Theory and Praxis" (AKA "Towards a New Manifesto?") [Deutsch] (1956)

Week 29. Theory and practice | June 6, 2023

+ Adorno, â€œOn Subject and Object” (1969)
Commodity form chart of terms
Reification chart of terms
Capitalist contradiction chart of terms
Adorno's critique of actionism chart of terms
• Adorno“Marginalia to Theory and Praxis” (1969)
• Adorno“Resignation” (1969)
Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
+ Adorno, â€œLate Capitalism or Industrial Society?” (AKA “Is Marx Obsolete?”) (1968)
Organic composition of capital chart of terms
+ Esther Leslie, Introduction to the 1969 Adorno-Marcuse correspondence (1999)
+ Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, correspondence on the German New Left (1969)
+ Adorno, Interview with Der Spiegel magazine (1969)

On February 17, 2022, Platypus Affiliated Society member Soren Whited interviewed Peter E. Gordon, Amabel B. James Professor of History at Harvard University and author of Adorno and Existence (2016) and other works on modern European intellectual history. What follows is an edited transcript of their discussion.