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The Platypus Review

Latest Issue: #174

PERSONALLY, I AM NOT in the business of “condemning” things. I have already alienated my moralist Palestinian and Palestinian-American friends when I said that the 2019 Christchurch Mosque shootings in New Zealand were working-class people killing working-class people.
ONE COMMON REJOINDER to Marx’s famous declaration in his last thesis on Feuerbach, raised by Heidegger among others, could be stated roughly as follows: to raise the demand of changing the world is to do so based on a philosophical interpretation of how the world ought to be changed. Therefore, Marx’s statement, which appears on its face anti-philosophical, in fact presupposes philosophy.
THE PANELS AT the 2024 Platypus East Coast Conference in Boston and Cambridge generated a number of interesting threads of discussion. One thread, which I found particularly engrossing, was initiated by “Hegelian e-girl” Nikki Kirigian in the “Theory in crisis” panel.
IT WILL BE EXPECTED when the Democratic establishment retroactively blames an array of forces as the culprits for Kamala Harris defeat and the subsequent harmful measures Trump’s administration implements: from reducing socio-political rights to worsened living standards; as well as becoming another purely sovereign nation-state to join the BRICS coalition, who all maintain their own spheres of influence to commit state terror and not be interfered with by the other superpowers.
On September 10, 2024, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted the panel “Democracy and the Left” at New York University with panelists Andy Gittlitz (Antifada), Sebastian (Revolutionary Communists of America), George Shulman (NYU), and Grayson Walker (American Communist Party). An edited, expanded version of Grayson Walker’s opening remarks follows.



Louis Sterrett


Gabriel Almeida
Mike Bartlett
Austin Carder
Rory Hannigan
Thom Hutchinson
Stanley Sharpey
Patrick Unwin


Mike Atkinson
Chris Mansour


Gabe Gottfried


Erica Gamble

Editorial Statement

Taking stock of the universe of positions and goals that constitutes leftist politics today, we are left with the disquieting suspicion that a deep commonality underlies the apparent variety: What exists today is built upon the desiccated remains of what was once possible.
[ . . . ]

Submission Guidelines

Articles will typically range in length from 750–4,500 words, but longer pieces will be considered. Please send article submissions and inquiries about this project to All submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.

The Platypus Review is funded by:

The University of Chicago Student Government
Dalhousie Student Union
Loyola University of Chicago
School of the Art Institute of Chicago Student Government
The New School
New York University
The University of Illinois at Chicago
The Platypus Affiliated Society
