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GERMAN REUNIFICATION WAS A TIME of general decline for all organizations to the Left of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD).
WE LEARN IN Die Platypus Review that the Antideutsch have failed. One can hardly object to these findings, as it was the Antideutsch’s goal to be the wrecking ball of the Left.
CHRIS CUTRONE IS CERTAINLY CORRECT that the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat is central to Marxism’s revolutionary core and that abandoning it is particularly damaging to both theory and practice. But its very importance makes it a broader category than simply a political stage of limited duration in the transition to socialism.
AT THE PLATYPUS AFFILIATED SOCIETY’S 2021 Midwest Regional Conference Chris Cutrone presented a teach-in dedicated to what he, with a good deal of merit, has deemed “the most controversial proposition by Marxism”: the call for a “dictatorship of the proletariat.”
THE GOAL OF THIS ARTICLE is to examine the evolution of one sector of the American Left (the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)) regarding issues of (anti-)Zionism. I try to delineate in what ways DSA’s internal “Overton Window” regarding Zionism has shifted, not to argue for or against any particular orientation.