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ANTHONY MONTEIRO’S ARTICLE “Logic, methodology, rational choice Marxism, and the fate of bourgeois Marxism” provides bracing criticism of analytic Marxism
ABOUT FOUR YEARS AGO, I made some statements on a panel about environmentalism. The tone, and content of those remarks was utterly flippant, promethean, and apathetic towards ecology. I am not so much revising my position that ecology is a human construct, nor that the apocalypticism of the modern ecology movement, and enslavement to the Democratic Party, are justified.
THE SOCIALISTS MET THE LIGHT of day as foremost a movement amongst students of arts and media of the Västerviks Gymnasium in 2002–03. It was in the aftermath of the 90s anarcho, punk, and vegan movement — that still, at this time, could count relatively high numbers of youths for being a small town in Sweden.
THE GREEN NEW DEAL arose just months after Democrats retook Congress in the 2018 midterms. In fact, two days after the midterms the Sunrise Movement staged a sit-in at the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, signalling the clear strategy to pressure Democrats to enact climate-change policies under the slogan, “decarbonization, jobs, and justice.”
STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY (SDS) was founded in 1960 as a transformation of the student wing of LID (League for Industrial Democracy). The social democratic inheritors of Walter Lipman’s Intercollegiate Socialist Society, LID had banned Communists from its organization in the 1940s and had a close relationship to organized labor in America.