Platypus Yale Fall 2018 - Winter 2019 Reading Group
Fall/Autumn 2018 – Winter 2019
What is the Left? – What is Marxism?
6:30 – 9:00pm, L34D,
Bass Library
Yale University
- required/ + recommended readingNeww
Marx and Engels readings pp. from Robert C. Tucker, ed., Marx-Engels Reader (Norton 2nd ed., 1978)
Week A. Radical bourgeois philosophy I. Rousseau: Crossroads of society | September 5, 2018
Whoever dares undertake to establish a people’s institutions must feel himself capable of changing, as it were, human nature, of transforming each individual, who by himself is a complete and solitary whole, into a part of a larger whole, from which, in a sense, the individual receives his life and his being, of substituting a limited and mental existence for the physical and independent existence. He has to take from man his own powers, and give him in exchange alien powers which he cannot employ without the help of other men.
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau, On the Social Contract (1762)
- Max Horkheimer, "The little man and the philosophy of freedom"(1926–31)
- epigraphs on modern history and freedom by James Miller(on Jean-Jacques Rousseau), Louis Menand(on Edmund Wilson), Karl Marx, on "becoming" (from the Grundrisse, 1857–58), and Peter Preuss (on Nietzsche)
+ Rainer Maria Rilke, "Archaic Torso of Apollo" (1908)
+ Robert Pippin, "On Critical Theory" (2004)
+ Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) chart of terms
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality(1754) PDFsof preferred translation (5 parts): [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
- Rousseau, selection from On the Social Contract (1762)
Week B. Radical bourgeois philosophy II. Adam Smith: On the wealth of nations (part 1) | September 12, 2018
- Adam Smith, selections from The Wealth of Nations
Volume I [PDF]
Introduction and Plan of the Work
Book I: Of the Causes of Improvement…
I.1. Of the Division of Labor
I.2. Of the Principle which gives Occasion to the Division of Labour
I.3. That the Division of Labour is Limited by the Extent of the Market
I.4. Of the Origin and Use of Money
I.6. Of the Component Parts of the Price of Commodities
I.7. Of the Natural and Market Price of Commodities
I.8. Of the Wages of Labour
I.9. Of the Profits of Stock
Book III: Of the different Progress of Opulence in different Nations
III.1. Of the Natural Progress of Opulence
III.2. Of the Discouragement of Agriculture in the Ancient State of Europe after the Fall of the Roman Empire
III.3. Of the Rise and Progress of Cities and Towns, after the Fall of the Roman Empire
III.4. How the Commerce of the Towns Contributed to the Improvement of the Country
Week C. Radical bourgeois philosophy III. Adam Smith: On the wealth of nations (part 2) | September 19, 2018
- Smith, selections from The Wealth of Nations
Volume II [PDF]
IV.7. Of Colonies
Book V: Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth
V.1. Of the Expences of the Sovereign or Commonwealth
Week D. Radical bourgeois philosophy IV. What is the Third Estate? | September 26, 2018
- Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, What is the Third Estate?(1789)
+ Bernard Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees (1732)
Week E. Radical bourgeois philosophy V. Kant and Constant: Bourgeois society | October 3, 2018
- Immanuel Kant, "Idea for a universal history from a cosmopolitan point of view"and "What is Enlightenment?"(1784)
+ Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) chart of terms
- Benjamin Constant, "The liberty of the ancients compared with that of the moderns"(1819)
+ Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the origin of inequality (1754)
+ Rousseau, selection from On the social contract (1762)
Week F. Radical bourgeois philosophy VI. Hegel: Freedom in history | October 10, 2018
- G.W.F. Hegel, Introduction to the Philosophy of History(1831) [HTML] [PDF pp. 14-128] [Audiobook]
+ Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) chart of terms
October Recess, October 16 – 22, 2018, reading group will not meet
Week G. What is the Left? I. Capital in history | Oct. 24, 2018
- Max Horkheimer, "The little man and the philosophy of freedom"(1926–31)
- epigraphs on modern history and freedom by James Miller(on Jean-Jacques Rousseau), Louis Menand(on Edmund Wilson), Karl Marx, on "becoming" (from the Grundrisse, 1857–58), and Peter Preuss (on Nietzsche)
+ Rainer Maria Rilke, "Archaic Torso of Apollo" (1908)
+ Robert Pippin, "On Critical Theory" (2004)
+ Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) chart of terms
- Chris Cutrone, "Capital in history"(2008)
+ Capital in history timeline and chart of terms
+ video of Communist University 2011 London presentation
- Cutrone, "The Marxist hypothesis"(2010)
- Cutrone, “Class consciousness (from a Marxist persective) today”
+ G.M. Tamas, "Telling the truth about class" [HTML] (2007)
Week H. What is the Left? II. Utopia and critique | October 31, 2018
- Max Horkheimer, selections from Dämmerung(1926–31)
- Adorno, “Imaginative Excesses”(1944–47)
- Leszek Kolakowski, “The concept of the Left”(1968)
- Marx, To make the world philosophical(from Marx's dissertation, 1839–41), pp. 9–11
- Marx, For the ruthless criticism of everything existing(letter to Arnold Ruge, September 1843), pp. 12–15
+ Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
Week I. What is Marxism? I. Socialism | November 7, 2018
- Marx, selections from Economic and philosophic manuscripts(1844), pp. 70–101
+ Commodity form chart of terms
+ Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms
- Marx and Friedrich Engels, selectionsfrom the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), pp. 469-500
- Marx, Address to the Central Committee of the Communist League(1850), pp. 501–511
Week J. What is Marxism? II. Revolution in 1848 | November 14, 2018
- Marx, The coming upheaval (from The Poverty of Philosophy, 1847) and Class struggle and mode of production (letter to Weydemeyer, 1852), pp. 218-220
- Engels, The tactics of social democracy(Engels's 1895 introduction to Marx, The Class Struggles in France), pp. 556–573
- Marx, selections from The Class Struggles in France 1848–50 (1850), pp. 586–593
- Marx, selections from The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852), pp. 594–617