Kaum ein Klischee über die Kritische Theorie erhält sich in so vielfältigen Formen, wie die angebliche Absage an eine weltverändernde Praxis. Vom Elfenbeinturm oder der Veranda des berühmt-berüchtigten „Grand Hotel Abgrund“ aus habe die Frankfurter Schule, so etwa, um nur die alte Spielart dieser Kritik bei Georg Lukács zu nennen, zwar schonungslose Gesellschaftskritik geübt, zugleich aber eine revolutionäre Perspektive hin zu einer befreiten Welt ausgeschlossen.
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Ein Interview von Steffen Andrae mit dem Historiker und Kracauer-Biographen Jörg Später
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On July 3rd, 2013, at the Goethe Universität in Frankfurt, Germany, Jensen Suther interviewed Axel Honneth, director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research and author of numerous books and articles, on behalf of Platypus. Their conversation focused on the problem of “reification,” or the tendency for processes of transformation to appear as, and be treated as if they were, static objects of an immutable nature. Reification was the theme of several writings Honneth delivered as the Tanner Lectures at Berkeley in 2005. These lectures are compiled in the book Reification: A New Look at an Old Idea (New York: Oxford University Press USA, 2012). What follows is an edited transcript of their discussion.
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At the Marxist Literary Group’s Institute on Culture and Society 2011, held on June 20–24, 2011 at the Institute for the Humanities, University of Illinois at Chicago, Platypus members Spencer Leonard, Pamela Nogales, and Jeremy Cohan organized a panel on “Marxism and the Bourgeois Revolution.” What follows is an edited version of Jeremy’s Cohan’s opening remarks.
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The opening plenary of the third annual Platypus Affiliated Society international convention, held April 29–May 1, 2011 at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, was a panel discussion between Nicholas Brown of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Chris Cutrone of Platypus, Andrew Feenberg of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, and Richard Westerman of the University of Chicago. The panelists were asked to address the following: “How did the practice and theory of Marxism, from Marx to Lenin, make possible and necessary the politics of Critical Theory?”
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