Current International Reading Groups
[English] | [Deutsch] | [Ελληνικό] | [日本語]
How do I join a reading group?
Platypus reading groups are held in universities around the world. Though these are frequently connected to chapters on college campuses, association with a university or membership in the organization is not required for participation.
Additional information about reading groups in a particular city can be found on its respective chapter page. Many chapters also run regular supplementary activities such as Coffee Breaks; please see the respective chapter page for more information.
If you are interested in attending a group but do not see one listed in your area, please contact us at and we will respond as soon as possible.
Primary Marxist Reading GroupIntroduction to the history of the Left and Marxism
Short course in Platypus, History of the Left and Marxism A short series of readings introducing the key points of departure for the Platypus project. (4 weeks)
- Platypus introduction to the history of Marxism readings
A series of 10 sessions introducing Platypus’s approach to the history of Marxism, including readings on Luxemburg, Lenin and Trotsky.
- Introduction to Platypus readings
10 sessions of readings introducing the raison d’être of the Platypus project, including published transcripts of our public forum activities.
Summer Reading Group
Every summer, Platypus holds a special summer session of our reading group internationally. Information will be posted here when the syllabus for our upcoming Summer Reading Group is available!