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I am writing with some brief, partial notes from our discussion at UChicago at yesterday's (Sun. 3/8/09) reading group, on several essays from Georg Lukacs's 1923 book History and Class Consciousness.

I am writing with some notes and suggestions for discussion on the Spartacist League pamphlet on "Lenin and the vanguard party" (1978):

Re: Platypus:

"They had friends, they had enemies, they fought, and exactly through this they demonstrated their right to exist."

-- Trotsky, on the history of new political and artistic movements (1938)

I am writing with some notes and suggestions on Lenin's What is to be done? (1902).

This work by Karl Korsch, published in the same year as Lukacs's book History and Class Consciousness, similarly takes up the theme of the neglected Hegelian dimensions of Marx's thought.