Ein Gespräch mit Vlad von der marxistischen Gruppe KyrgSoc (КыргСоц) über das Erbe der Sowjetunion in Zentralasien und daraus resultierende Herausforderungen für die kirgisische Linke.
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THE SOCIALISTS MET THE LIGHT of day as foremost a movement amongst students of arts and media of the Västerviks Gymnasium in 2002–03. It was in the aftermath of the 90s anarcho, punk, and vegan movement — that still, at this time, could count relatively high numbers of youths for being a small town in Sweden.
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On July 30, 2022, the Melbourne chapter of the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a panel at the Victorian Trades Hall in Carlton, Victoria, Australia. The panelists were Matthew Crossin (Melbourne Anarchist-Communist Group), Tom Griffiths (“unreconstructed Maoist”), Lachlan Marshall (Solidarity (International Socialist Tendency)), and Benjamin Smith (Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation). An edited transcript follows.
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On September 15, 2020, Platypus Affiliated Society Member C. Philip Mills interviewed Louis Menand, professor of English at Harvard University and author of The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America (2001), an intellectual history of American pragmatism. An edited transcript follows.
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On June 3, 2022, Platypus Affiliated Society member D. L. Jacobs interviewed Alan Shandro about Marxism and Shandro’s book Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony (2014). An edited transcript follows.
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