Vivek Chibber, The Class Matrix: Social Theory after the Cultural Turn (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2022).
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On May 14, 2022, Platypus Affiliated Society members Mike Atkinson and David Mountain interviewed Steve Roberts, who was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (UK, 1978). An edited transcript follows.
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On February 17, 2022, Platypus Affiliated Society member Soren Whited interviewed Peter E. Gordon, Amabel B. James Professor of History at Harvard University and author of Adorno and Existence (2016) and other works on modern European intellectual history. What follows is an edited transcript of their discussion.
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On July 15, 2022, Platypus Affiliated Society member D. L. Jacobs interviewed Michael Hudson to discuss his new book, The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism (2022). An edited transcript follows.
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The Platypus Affiliated Society hosted the panel “Marxism and liberalism” on April 1, 2022 at the University of Chicago as part of its Annual International Convention. An edited transcript follows.
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