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Eine Podiumsdiskussion, veranstaltet von der Platypus Affiliated Society im Amerlinghaus in Wien am 11. Juli 2018.


Christian Hofmann (Bundesjugendsekretär in der GPA-djp)
Michael Fischer
Michael Märzen (Arbeiter*innenstandpunkt, Liga fĂĽr die 5. Internationale)
Martin Gutlederer (Der Funke, Internationale Marxistische Tendenz)

Im Lichte der aktuellen öffentlichen Debatte über den 12-Stunden-Arbeitstag diskutieren wir über das Verhältnis der Linken zur Politik der Arbeit. Wie hat linke Politik der Arbeit in der Vergangenheit ausgesehen, welche politischen Ziele verfolgt Politik der Arbeit in der Gegenwart und welches Potential für die Linke steckt darin?

Held June 9, 2018 at the University of Houston. Moderated by Danny Jacobs.


Kelly Alana (Socialist Alternative)
Rainer Durruti (Space City John Brown Gun Club)
Rachel Clarke (Educator) 


Recent school shootings and the ever-recurring instances of police brutality pose acutely the question of gun control today. Should the Left take up the demand for gun control, and if so, how? If not, why not? How is gun control related to the struggle for socialism?

Held June 6, 2018 at the Left Forum at John Jay College in New York City. The panel was moderated by Platypus member Allison Hewitt Ward.


Jack Devine, Democratic Socialists of America
Jim Creegan, Weekly Worker
Erin Hagood, Platypus Affiliated Society

Held June 1, 2018 at the Left Forum at John Jay College in New York.


Spencer Leonard - Platypus Affiliated Society
Terrell Carver - Professor of Political Theory at the University of Bristol
Christoph Lichtenberg - International Bolshevik Tendency


This year marked the 200th birthday of Karl Marx, than whom, as even his ideological opponent Isaiah Berlin had to admit, "no thinker in the nineteenth century has had so direct, deliberate and powerful an influence upon mankind." This panel seeks to bring together intellectuals committed to exploring Marx’s legacy in this post-Marxist age, those who, once more, seek somehow to bring that legacy to bear upon the world. Accordingly, we want to raise the question: What is the legacy of Marx’s life as a revolutionary intellectual -- that is, the legacy of the political writings and activities he contributed to the workers’ movement for socialism?

On May 19th, 2018, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a panel discussion on the 2nd amendment and the Left at Berkeley City College. The discussion was moderated by William Lushbough.

Panel Description:

"Recent school shootings and the ever-recurring instances of police brutality pose acutely the question of gun control today. Should the Left take up the demand for gun control, and if so, how? If not, why not? How is gun control related to the struggle for socialism?"

Speakers (in order of appearance):

  • Urszula Wislanka (News & Letters Committees)
  • K. Khan (International Marxist Tendency)
  • Richard Becker (Party for Socialism & LIberation)