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Eine Podiumsdiskussion, veranstaltet von der Platypus Affiliated Society im Amerlinghaus in Wien am 11. Juli 2018.


Christian Hofmann (Bundesjugendsekretär in der GPA-djp)
Michael Fischer
Michael Märzen (Arbeiter*innenstandpunkt, Liga fĂĽr die 5. Internationale)
Martin Gutlederer (Der Funke, Internationale Marxistische Tendenz)

Im Lichte der aktuellen öffentlichen Debatte über den 12-Stunden-Arbeitstag diskutieren wir über das Verhältnis der Linken zur Politik der Arbeit. Wie hat linke Politik der Arbeit in der Vergangenheit ausgesehen, welche politischen Ziele verfolgt Politik der Arbeit in der Gegenwart und welches Potential für die Linke steckt darin?

From the Zero Books website (August 2, 2018):

Chris Cutrone is a member of the Platypus Affiliated Society, a professor at The School of Art Institute of Chicago, and a returning guest to the Zero Books podcast. He is the author of a controversial essay entitled “Why Not Trump.” The piece was a half-hearted endorsement of Trump as the better adversary for the left, an opinion that is not at all self-evident today under Trump. However, this week we discuss the late Moishe Postone as well as Adolph Reed in the context of the death of politics."

An interview with Lawrence Parker, the author of Communists and Labour: The National Left-Wing Movement, 1925-1929, conducted by Efraim Carlebach of the Platypus Affiliated Society on July 21, 2018.

An edited transcript of the interview was published in the Platypus Review Issue #111.

On July 11, 2018 Platypus Affiliated Society members Richard Rubin and James Vaughn gave a teach-in at New York University titled "The Bourgeois Revolution Today."

On this episode of SPS, we discuss "What is the DSA and where is it going?," the Platypus panel at this year's Left Forum (June 2018), with Erin Hagood, Marco Torres joins us to talk about the Mexican elections, and we pay tribute to the one and only, Kanye West.

Mentioned on this episode:
(1) DSA panel from the Left Forum: "What is the DSA?" panel held (06/06) at Left Forum which features Jack Devine, DSA; Jim Creegan, Weekly Worker; and Erin Hagood, Platypus
(2) Platypus Review interview with the DSA candidate for California Lt. Governor, Gayle McLaughlin…ayle-mclaughlin/
(3) Dissent article on the Mexican Elections by Carlos Bravo Regidor and Patrick Iber…-obrador-amlo

Hosted by Audrey Crescenti, Pam C. Nogales C., Laurie Rojas.