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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/Archive for category 2021
The following is a response to a panel hosted by the Melbourne chapter of the Platypus Affiliated Society on May 22, 2021 at the Clyde Hotel in Carlton, Australia, which addressed the question, “What is capitalism, and why should we be against it?”
FOR A NEW GENERATION grappling with anti-black violence and capitalism, it is no accident that Cedric Robinson’s book, Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition, is making a comeback.
KAUTSKY’S MARXISM COULD BE attractive for some of today’s open-minded radical egalitarians. No whiff of Marxism-Leninism, the Soviet experiment that went so badly wrong, or the economically successful totalitarian, state-capitalist Chinese version. And no hint of the fossilized, denunciatory vanguardism of Trotskyite sects.
On May 22, 2021, the Melbourne chapter of the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a panel at the Clyde Hotel in Carlton, Australia, with Rjurik Davidson (formerly of Overland magazine), Arthur Dent (C21stLeft, formerly of the CPA(M-L)), and Rory Dufficy (writer, researcher, critic) to address the question, “What is capitalism, and why should we be against it?” What follows is an edited transcript of their discussion.

„Philosophie, die einmal überholt schien, erhält sich am Leben, weil der Augenblick ihrer Verwirklichung versäumt ward“


Ihr seid herzlich zu unserem ersten Lesekreis in persona seit der Lockdown-Situation eingeladen!

Wir treffen uns jeden Dienstag ab 18 Uhr im Raum K3 des Studierendenhauses (MertonstraĂźe 26, 60325 Frankfurt am Main).

( • vorausgesetzt / + empfohlen)

Vorausgesetzte HintergrundlektĂĽre:

• Chris Cutrone:        "Revolution without Marx? Rousseau, Kant and Hegel" (2013)

                                   Review of Andrew Feenberg, The Philosophy of Praxis (2015)

"Why still read Lukacs? The place of 'philosophical' questions in Marxism" (2014)

                                   "Ends of philosophy" (2018)

                                   "On philosophy and Marxism" (2020)

                                   “The negative dialectic of Marxism” (2021)

Zusätzlich empfohlen:

+ Adorno:       Vorlesung ĂĽber Negative Dialektik

Zur Lehre von der Geschichte und von der Freiheit

EinfĂĽhrung in die Dialektik

Ontologie und Dialektik

Metaphysik: Begriff und Probleme


• Theodor Adorno: Negative Dialektik (1966)

Charts of terms:

+ Being and becoming (freedom in transformation) / immanent dialectical critique chart of terms

+ Kant's 3 Critiques [PNG] and philosophy [PNG] chart of terms

+ Capitalist contradiction chart of terms

+ Commodity form chart of terms

+ Reification chart of terms

+ Adorno's critique of actionism chart of terms

Woche 1: 10. August 2021

• Gillian Rose: Review of Adorno's Negative Dialectics (1976)

• Theodor W. Adorno: "Wozu noch Philosophie?"

• Chris Cutrone: "Ends of philosophy" (2018); "On philosophy and Marxism" (2020); “The negative dialectic of Marxism” (2021)

Woche 2: 17. August 2021

• Adorno: Negative Dialektik, Prolog (Vorrede und Einleitung) [pdf: S.3-97; Suhrkamp: S.7-66]

Woche 3: 24. August 2021

• Adorno: Negative Dialektik, Erster Teil: Verhältnis zur Ontologie: I. Das ontologische Bedürfnis [pdf: S.99-159; Suhrkamp: S.67-103]

Woche 4: 31. August 2021

• Adorno: Negative Dialektik, Erster Teil: Verhältnis zur Ontologie: II. Sein und Existenz [pdf: S.160-219; Suhrkamp: S.104-136]

Woche 5: 7. September 2021

• Adorno: Negative Dialektik, Zweiter Teil: Begriff und Kategorien [pdf: S.221-340; Suhrkamp: S.137-208]

Woche 6: 14. September 2021

• Adorno: Negative Dialektik, Dritter Teil: Modelle: I. Freiheit [pdf: S.342-489; Suhrkamp: S.209-294]

Woche 7: 21. September 2021

• Adorno: Negative Dialektik, Dritter Teil: Modelle: II. Weltgeist und Naturgeschichte [pdf: S.490-592; Suhrkamp: S.295-353]

Woche 8: 28. September 2021

• Adorno: Negative Dialektik, Dritter Teil: Modelle: III. Meditationen zur Metaphysik [pdf: S.593-677; Suhrkamp: S.354-400]

+ Cutrone,     "Ends of philosophy" (2018)

                        "On philosophy and Marxism" (2020)

“The negative dialectic of Marxism” (2021)