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SPS Ep. 17 - On Chernobyl, the Brexit Party, and Platypus at George Mason University

On this episode, we chat about the HBO miniseries Chernobyl and Cold War nostalgia. Pamela Nogales discusses the ascendance of the Brexit Party in the UK with James Heartfield, a veteran Marxist and Brexit Party candidate. And Rose Freeman and Pam Nogales sit down with members at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia to talk about Platypus chapter building & the left in the region.

To learn more about the Platypus Summer Reading Group "30 years of 1989: What was Stalinism in power?" Visit:…linism-in-power/

James Heartfield spoke at in our Democracy and the Left panel held at Goldsmiths, University of London, in March 2019, the recording is here:…the-left-london/

Co-hosted by Pamela C. and Rose