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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/Ep 11: On Kavanaugh, the American midterm election, & political strategies for socialism

Ep 11: On Kavanaugh, the American midterm election, & political strategies for socialism

On this episode, Pamela Nogales, Laurie Rojas and Suzy Vogenthaler talk about the Kavanaugh hearing, his virginity and the failing Democratic Party strategy in the midterm electoral campaign. Laurie and Pamela interview Jack Devine from the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and discuss the organization's strategy and long term goals. We end by interviewing Tana Forrester, from the Socialist Party USA (SPUSA), on the need to build a mass socialist party today.

Articles for further reading:
(1) Jack Devine, "The death agony of meritocracy" in the Platypus Review 109 (September 2018)…-of-meritocracy/
(2) Erin Hagood & Stephanie Gomez, "What was the Socialist Party? An interview with David McReynolds" in the Platypus Review 110 (October 2018)…avid-mcreynolds/

Hosted by Laurie Rojas, Pamela C. Nogales C. and Suzy V.

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