What is the #Occupy Movement?
Since November of 2011, and with the help of working groups and organizers of OWS, Platypus has been hosting a series of roundtable discussions reflecting on the obstacles and possibilities, political content, and potential future of the #Occupy movement. These have taken place in New York, Chicago, Boston, Halifax (Canada), London (UK). We welcome any and all who would like to be a part of this project of self-education and potential rebuilding of the Left to join us in advancing this critical moment.
October 28, 2011
November 16, 2011
December 9, 2011
December 16, 2011
March 17, 2012
March 18, 2012
March 18, 2012
March 18, 2012
March 31, 2012
March 31, 2012
March 31, 2012
March 31, 2012
March 31, 2012
October 19, 2012