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The following is a response to a panel hosted by the Melbourne chapter of the Platypus Affiliated Society on May 22, 2021 at the Clyde Hotel in Carlton, Australia, which addressed the question, “What is capitalism, and why should we be against it?”
Wenige Persönlichkeiten, Adam Smith vielleicht ausgenommen, sind von der Linken derart mit Verachtung gestraft worden wie Nietzsche. Allzu beflissen ist der Philosoph des Eises und Hochgebirges in die Untiefen der rechten Reaktion verbannt oder als kurzlebige Koketterie verspottet worden, lediglich tauglich für Pubertätskrisen männlicher Jugendlicher.
On October 17, 2020, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a virtual panel discussion with Andy Blunden (author and secretary of the Marxists Internet Archive), Adrian Johnston (University of New Mexico), Henry Pickford (Duke University), and Jensen Suther (Platypus Affiliated Society, Yale University), to address the question, How does Hegel task the Left and Marxism today?
On December 7, 2020, Erin Hagood and Duyminh Tran interviewed Angela Davis via Zoom. Davis is a political activist, author, and academic whose work has focused on issues on race, class, and feminism. What follows is an edited version of their discussion.
If, in the end, the Hegelian system relates everything to the Absolute in which time is "erase[d],” it nevertheless determines the path to truth, to absolute knowledge as a temporal development of differences and thus elevates the new, the alien, the not-yet-conceptual to a necessary component of the process of knowledge: as its moment.