On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the 1989 revolutions—the ‘Autumn of Nations’ in the Soviet bloc—the Platypus Affiliated Society organized an international panel series on the significance of 1989 for the Left. The panel held at New York University on February 17, 2015 consisted of Boris Kagarlitsky, director of the Institute for Global Research and Social Movements in Moscow, Christoph Lichtenberg, supporter of the International Bolshevik Tendency, and Mel Rothenberg, a member of the Chicago Political Economy Group.
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On January 21, 2015, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a discussion in Halifax, Nova Scotia, under the title, What is political party for the Left? The panel consisted of Leo Panitch, Jackie Barkley, Antoni Wysocki and Carlos Pessoa.
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A panel discussion titled “Is there a need for left unity?” at the Platypus European Conference, was held at Goldsmiths University, London, on July 19, 2014. The following is an edited version of
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From the financial crisis and the bank bail-outs to the question of “sovereign debt”; from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street; from the struggle for a unified European-wide policy to the elections in Greece and Egypt that seem to have threatened so much and promised so little—the need to go beyond mere “protest” has asserted itself: political revolution is in the air, again.
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On November 5, 2013, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a conversation on the Politics of Work at the School of Art Institute of Chicago between Bill Barclay of the Democratic Socialists of America and the Chicago Political Economy Group, Lenny Brody of the Justice Party and the Network for Revolutionary Change, and Leon Fink, a professor of labor history at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The panel was moderated by Ed Remus.
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