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Brexit vote, has sparked a renewed interest in authoritarianism and the Frankfurt School’s concept of the authoritarian personality.
Dr. Thomas Wendt ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Philosophie an der Universität Leipzig. Seine Interessensschwerpunkte sind Politische Philosophie und Gesellschaftstheorie. Aktuell forscht er zur historischen Tradition und Systematik der Bewusstseinstheorie und entwickelt daraus ein Philosophieverständnis des „eingreifenden Denkens“.
AFGHANISTAN WAS INTENDED BY THE U.S. in the 1980s to be the Soviet Union’s Vietnam War. But it is the United States today that is experiencing a second Fall of Saigon in Kabul.
On May 22, 2021, the Melbourne chapter of the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a panel at the Clyde Hotel in Carlton, Australia, with Rjurik Davidson (formerly of Overland magazine), Arthur Dent (C21stLeft, formerly of the CPA(M-L)), and Rory Dufficy (writer, researcher, critic) to address the question, “What is capitalism, and why should we be against it?” What follows is an edited transcript of their discussion.
KAUTSKY’S MARXISM COULD BE attractive for some of today’s open-minded radical egalitarians. No whiff of Marxism-Leninism, the Soviet experiment that went so badly wrong, or the economically successful totalitarian, state-capitalist Chinese version. And no hint of the fossilized, denunciatory vanguardism of Trotskyite sects.