Dear Platypi,
Please join us on the weekend of March 19th at the 2010 Left Forum. Platypus members from Toronto, Chicago, Boston along with New York City members will be there both presenting and chairing these panels.Ă‚ Below are a list of Platypus organized panels along with their respective line-ups and time slots.
--Session 3: SATURDAY, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM The American Left and the “Black Question”: From Politics to Protest to the Post-Political Benjamin Blumberg (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society Tim Barker - Columbia University Student Pamela Nogales - Platypus Affiliated Society Christopher Cutrone - Platypus Affiliated Society -- Session 4: SATURDAY, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Politics of the Contemporary American Student Left Pam Nogales (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society Ashley Weger - Platypus Affiliated Society (Depaul Chapter Head) Hannah Rappleye - New School alumnus, former Senior Editor of the NS Free Press Easton Smith - Sarah Lawrence student, Unite Here organizer --
Session 4: SATURDAY, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Nationalism, Anti-Imperialism and International Solidarity Today Jeremy Cohan (Chair)Ă‚ - Platypus Affiliated Society (New York University chapter) Ryan Hardy- Platypus Affiliated Society Spencer Leonard Platypus- Affiliated Society TBA (Writer for Revolution Newspaper) Peter Hudis (U.S. Marxist-Humanists) --
SESSION 5: SUNDAY, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Marxism and Anarchism: The Relevance of Radical Traditions Today Blair Taylor (Chair) - Ian Morrison - Platypus Affiliated Society Annie Day - Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) Peter Staudenmaier - Cornell University --
SESSION 5: SUNDAY, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM The Left and Prospects for Democracy in the Middle East: Iraq Laura Lee Schmidt (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society; History, Theory and Criticism of Art and Architecture, MIT Issam Shukri - Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) Kanan Makiya - Brandeis University Christopher Cutrone - Platypus Affiliated Society; University of Chicago Ă‚ÂĂ‚ÂĂ‚ÂĂ‚ÂĂ‚ÂĂ‚ÂĂ‚ÂĂ‚Â --
SESSION 6: SUNDAY, 12:00 - 2:00 PM The Green Movement and the Left: Prospects for Democracy in Iran Laura Lee Schmidt (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society; History, Theory, and Criticism of Art and Architecture, MIT Siyaves Azeri - Worker-Communist Party of Iran Hamid Dabashi - Columbia University Christopher Cutrone - Platypus Affiliated Society; University of Chicago Saeed Rahnema - York University --
SESSION 7: SUNDAY, 3:00 - 5:00 PM Between the Old and New Left: An American Post-war Balance Sheet Ian Morrison (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society Benjamin Blumberg - Platypus Affiliated Society Chris Mansour - Parsons The New School For Design
Dear New Yorkers,
Please join us on the weekend of March 19th at the 2010 Left Forum. Platypus members from Toronto, Chicago, Boston along with New York City members will be there both presenting and chairing these panels. Below are a list of Platypus organized panels along with their respective line-ups and time slots.
--Session 3: SATURDAY, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM The American Left and the “Black Question”: From Politics to Protest to the Post-Political Benjamin Blumberg (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society Tim Barker - Columbia University Student Pamela Nogales - Platypus Affiliated Society Christopher Cutrone - Platypus Affiliated Society -- Session 4: SATURDAY, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Politics of the Contemporary American Student Left Pam Nogales (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society Ashley Weger - Platypus Affiliated Society (Depaul Chapter Head) Hannah Rappleye - New School alumnus, former Senior Editor of the NS Free Press Easton Smith - Sarah Lawrence student, Unite Here organizer --
Session 4: SATURDAY, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Nationalism, Anti-Imperialism and International Solidarity Today Jeremy Cohan (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society (New York University chapter) Ryan Hardy- Platypus Affiliated Society Spencer Leonard Platypus- Affiliated Society TBA (Writer for Revolution Newspaper) Peter Hudis (U.S. Marxist-Humanists) --
SESSION 5: SUNDAY, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Marxism and Anarchism: The Relevance of Radical Traditions Today Blair Taylor (Chair) - Ian Morrison - Platypus Affiliated Society Annie Day - Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) Peter Staudenmaier - Cornell University --
SESSION 5: SUNDAY, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM The Left and Prospects for Democracy in the Middle East: Iraq Laura Lee Schmidt (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society; History, Theory and Criticism of Art and Architecture, MIT Issam Shukri - Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) Kanan Makiya - Brandeis University Christopher Cutrone - Platypus Affiliated Society; University of Chicago ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ --
SESSION 6: SUNDAY, 12:00 - 2:00 PM The Green Movement and the Left: Prospects for Democracy in Iran Laura Lee Schmidt (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society; History, Theory, and Criticism of Art and Architecture, MIT Siyaves Azeri - Worker-Communist Party of Iran Hamid Dabashi - Columbia University Christopher Cutrone - Platypus Affiliated Society; University of Chicago Saeed Rahnema - York University --
SESSION 7: SUNDAY, 3:00 - 5:00 PM Between the Old and New Left: An American Post-war Balance Sheet Ian Morrison (Chair) - Platypus Affiliated Society Benjamin Blumberg - Platypus Affiliated Society Chris Mansour - Parsons The New School For Design
Red Channels and the Platypus Affiliated Society present:
The Poverty of Student Life, a film screening and discussion
Monday, November 23, 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm @ The Brecht Forum, 451 West Street
San Francisco State: On Strike - Newsreel, 1969, 25 minutes
Community Control - Newsreel, 1969, 50 minutes
TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 75 minutes | Digital Projection
Discussion with:
Pam C. Nogales C. of the Platypus Affiliated Society
Luz Schreiber of the Committee in Defense of the Children's Learning Center at Hunter College, and Ollin Imagination
Jitu Weusi - teacher, principal, member of the African American Teachers Association, co-founder of The East (1969-1985)
[more TBA]
* * *
1. Politics of the contemporary student Left
3. The New School occupation and the direction of student politics: an interview with Atlee McFellin
4. Five questions to the student Left
Interested in attending the reading group? Have a question about one of the events Platypus is hosting? Interested in learning more about Platypus?
We are always looking for writers, speakers, anyone interested, ideas, etc. If you’re interested in getting involved, let us know.
New York contacts:
Pam C. Nogales C., East Coast Regional Coordinator:
Jeremy Cohan, City-wide coordinator:
Chris Mansour, Assistant City-wide coordinator:
Brian Hioe, Chapter Head, New York University:
Alex Gleason, Chapter Head, New School:
Want to receive information about Platypus events in NYC? Subscribe to the NYC Event google list or check the Platypus New York Facebook page.
Saturday, October 3 - 7:30pm @ Union Docs [ 322 Union Ave, Brooklyn NY ]
Platypus NY Chapter head, Chris Mansour, will be introducing the film. Discussion with Filmmaker and Stephen Duncombe to follow the screening.
In EXAMINED LIFE (2008, 87 minutes, Canada, DVD), filmmaker Astra Taylor accompanies some of today’s most influential thinkers on a series of unique excursions through places and spaces that hold particular resonance for them and their ideas.
This event is presented in association with the Platypus Affiliated Society, New York chapter. Platypus organizes reading groups, public fora, research and journalism focused on problems and tasks inherited from the “Old” (1920s-30s), “New” (1960s-70s) and post-political (1980s-90s) Left for the possibilities of emancipatory politics today.