A teach-in on the 1905 Russian Revolution hosted by Danny Jacobs at the University of Houston, May 24, 2017.
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Am 11. Mai fand im Rahmen unserer Veranstaltungsreihe "1917-2017 - 100 Jahre Russische Revolution" ein Teach-In zum Revolutionsjahr 1917 statt.
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Më 14 prill, 2017 në Unversitetin e Prishtinës, dega e Platypus në Prishtinë e mbajti panelin me temën “Idelologjitë Radkale Sot: Marksizmi dhe Anarkizmi”. Folës të panelit ishin Dren Berishaj njohës i anarkizmit, Klodi Leka nga OP (Organizata Politike) dhe Arlind Manxhuka nga SKV (Lëvizja Studentore për Barazi - Studim - Kritikë - Veprim). Në vijim mund ta lexoni përshkrimin dhe një përmbledhje të këtij paneli.
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Die Veranstaltungsreihe „1917-2017 - 100 Jahre Russische Revolution“ will sich im Rahmen verschiedener Veranstaltungen mit dem 100. Jahrestag des russischen Revolutionsjahrs auseinandersetzen. Von Mai bis September 2017 sollen in diesem Rahmen ein Teach In, Filmvorführungen, eine Podiumsdiskussion, sowie ein Lesekreis stattfinden. Uhrzeiten und Orte werden noch bekannt gegeben, soweit noch nicht vermerkt.
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On February 18, 2017, as part of its third European Conference, the Platypus Affiliated Society organized a panel discussion, “The Crisis of Neoliberalism,” at the University of Vienna. The event brought together the following speakers: Chris Cutrone, President of Platypus; John Milios, former chief economic advisor of SYRIZA; Emmanuel Tomaselli, of the International Marxist Tendency; and Boris Kargalitsky, of the Institute for Globalization Studies and Social Movements in Moscow. What follows is an edited transcript of their discussion.
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