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Lenin stated, infamously perhaps, that Marxists aimed to overcome capitalism “on the basis of capitalism itself.” This was in the context of horrors of not only industrial exploitation but also and especially of war: WWI. Lenin was not, as

Art and Politics: Frankfurt

Vorausgesetzte LektĂĽre

• Chris Cutrone et al., "The relevance of Critical Theory to art today" (2011)

Woche 1. Die Bedeutung von Kunst | 29. August 2014

[Artists'] work is to sustain the critical moment of aesthetic experience. [Critics' work] is to recognize it.
– Susan Buck-Morss, response to Visual culture questionnaire (1996)

• Susan Buck-Morss, Antworten zum "Visual culture questionnaire" (1996)
• Immanuel Kant, Vorwort und Einleitung zur Kritik der Urteilskraft (1790)

Woche 2. Moderne Ă„sthetik der Kunst | 5. September 2014

• G.W.F. HegelVorlesungen ĂĽber die Ă„sthetik, Erster Abschnitt: "Einleitung" bis (inklusive) “III.3.Zweck der Kunst”

Woche 3. Kunst und Politik in unserer Epoche | 12. September 2014

• Leo Trotzki, "Kunst und Revolution” (1938)
• Clement Greenberg, "Avantgarde und Kitsch(1939)

Woche 4. Revolutionäre Kunst? | 19. September

• Walter Benjamin, "Erfahrung und Armut" (1934)
• Benjamin, "Der Autor als Produzent" (1934)
• JĂĽrgen Habermas, "Die Moderne - ein unvollendetes Projekt" (1981)

Woche 5. Kunst und Warenform | 26. September

• Stewart Martin“Critique of relational aesthetics” (2007)
• Stewart Martin“The absolute artwork meets the absolute commodity” (2007)
• Theodor AdornoĂ„sthetische Theorie  (1970): Selbstverständlichkeit von Kunst verloren (S. 9 - 11), Gesellschaft (S. 334 - 389)

A panel event held at the Inaugural European Conference of the Platypus Affiliated Society contemplating the question of left unity. The panel was held at Goldsmiths College on July 19, 2014.

Featured Speakers:

Communist Party of Great Britain
International Bolshevik Tendency
Costas Douzinas

A workshop with the CPGB held at the Inaugural European Conference of the Platypus Affiliated Society on Saturday, July 19th, 2014 at Goldsmiths College, London.

Every year at Platypus conferences, speakers from various perspectives are asked to bring their experience of the Left’s recent history to bear on today’s political possibilities and challenges as part of the “Differing Perspectives on the Left” workshop series.

A workshop with the International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT) held at the Inaugural European Conference of the Platypus Affiliated Society on Saturday, July 19th, 2014 at Goldsmiths College, London.

Every year at Platypus conferences, speakers from various perspectives are asked to bring their experience of the Left’s recent history to bear on today’s political possibilities and challenges as part of the “Differing Perspectives on the Left” workshop series.