[11.19.13] Freedom in the Anthropocene: A Platypus Panel Discussion
A moderated panel discussion hosted by the Platypus Affiliated Society on the interrelation of capital, history and ecology.
Loyola University (Lake Shore Campus)
Tuesday, November 19th, 7:00 PM
Bremner Lounge, CFSU Building
1125 W. Loyola Avenue
Sponsored by the Loyola Student Activity Fund and Greek Affairs
- Fred Magdoff (University of Vermont) author of What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism
- Steven Vogel (Denison University) author of Against Nature: The Concept of Nature in Critical Theory
The Dutch atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen recently characterized the period marked by the start of the industrial revolution in the 18th Century to the present as a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene. This periodization is meant to capture a change in the history of the planet, namely that for the first time in history its course will be determined by the question of what humanity will become.
This panel will focus on different interpretations of why the Left has failed to deal with the deepening crisis of the Anthropocene through the 19th and 20th Centuries and how and if this problem is interrelated with the growing problems associated with ecological systems across the earth. While Karl Marx would note that the problem of freedom shifted with the industrial revolution and the emergence of the working class - the crisis of bourgeois society that Marx would term capital - the idea of freedom seemed not to survive the collapse of Marxist politics in the 20th Century. We seem to live in a world in which the fate of ecological systems seem foreclosed, where attempts at eco-modernization seem to emerge many steps behind the rate of ecological degradation. For many, degradation of the environment appears a permanent feature of modern society, something which can only be resisted but never transformed.
This panel will consider the relationship between the history of capital and the Left—and thus the issue of history and freedom - and how it may be linked to our present inability to render environmental threats and degradation visible and comprehensible, and by extension, subject to its conscious and free overcoming by society.