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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/Chicago/Contact - Chicago


Want to receive information about Platypus events in Chicago? Interested in attending the reading group? Have a question about one of the events Platypus is hosting?

Contact a Chicago Chapter Head:

Latest event video

Teach-in by Abdul Alkalimat on Black politics and the campaign for Harold Washington at UChicago, 10/20/18

Chicago - School of the Art Institute Chapter Head
Chicago - University of Chicago Chapter Head
Chicago - Northwestern University Chapter Head
Chicago - University of Illinois Chapter Head

We are always looking for Platypus Review submissions, speakers, anyone interested, ideas, etc. If you’re interested in getting involved, let us know.

Connect with the Chicago Platypus Facebook discussion group and keep updated with upcoming events with the Chicago Platypus Facebook page.

Platypus Northwestern and Platypus UChicago have their own individual Facebook pages.

For all things Platypus join the main Platypus1917 Facebook group here.

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