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I QUIT THE “LEFT” in 1993, after the LA riots, the quint-centenary of Columbus’s Discovery and Bill Clinton’s election in 1992 — in that order. These events told me that there would be no struggle for proletarian socialism, no Marxism, but only Republicans, riots — and Democrats.
David Walters is a co-editor, with Tim Davenport, of The Selected Works of Eugene V. Debs, a six-volume set currently in publication through Haymarket Books. On February 22, 2020, Edward Remus and William Lushbough interviewed Walters with a focus on Debs’s path to founding and leading the Socialist Party of America (SPA).
IT IS 150 YEARS SINCE THE BIRTH, on 22 April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk, Russia), of Vladimir Il’ich Ulyanov, known universally as Lenin. He came from a wealthy family in the social estate of the nobility.
THE PLATYPUS REVIEW HAS RECENTLY CONTRIBUTED in a unique way to studies on critical theory worldwide. In an unprecedented way, in the issue number 91 of November 2016, this magazine published a text entitled “Remarks on The Authoritarian Personality by Theodor W. Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, Sanford.”
WHAT HAS AN EXISTENTIAL EVENT COME TO MEAN at this moment in our lurching history of crises, lies and mediocre distractions? One that makes it necessary for the individual and humanity as a whole to examine and make each decision of daily life in relation to an external independent force that could threaten the physical survival of the species?