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The following is an edited transcript of an interview with Bobby Seale on July 9th, 2018 at Platypus UC Berkeley’s New Left reading group. Bobby Seale cofounded the Black Panther Party with Huey Newton in 1966.
This is the first of a two-part article written by Alexander Riccio. The second part, “Towards a new vanguard theory,” will appear in PR #114 in March, 2019.
Transgender-Aktivistin Leslie Feinberg verkĂŒndete in einem politischen Pamphlet von 1992, dass die Zeit fĂŒr Transgender-Befreiung gekommen sei. Mehr als zwanzig Jahre spĂ€ter beschreiben populĂ€re Medien die zunehmende Sichtbarkeit von transgender-Lebensstilen als ein „Trans-Tipping-Point“ oder auch als „Transmoment“. Doch bei eingehender BetrachtungfĂ€llt auf, dass all diese „neuen“ Ideen, die derzeit ins Blickfeld geraten, von Leuchten der AufklĂ€rung bereits zum Ausdruck gebracht wurden – und zwar besser als es jetzt der Fall ist!
Young Marx is a production at the end of history. It is a production led by a Marx whose ideas are parodied, whitewashed, and made to seem out of touch with contemporary reality.

Jim Igor Kallenberg was a dramaturg at the festival for contemporary music Wien Modern, which this year covered the 50th anniversary of 1968. In this capacity, he spoke with the composer Christian Wolff who wrote a new piece for this years edition of the festival. Christian Wolff is a centeral figure in New Music history and significant especially for the music that developed around 1968 – together with his friends and colleagues John Cage, Frederic Rzewski, Cornelius Cardew, Morton Feldman, and others in the U.S.