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THE CHICAGO TEACHERS UNION (CTU)—American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 1—conducted an unprecedented, bold, and possibly illegal one-day strike on Friday, April 1, 2016. The strike was initially called to protest threatened cuts in pay during contract negotiations and to send a message: “Continue like this and we will strike!” The CTU leaders changed that focus in the week preceding the strike; by strike day, it became a strike for increased state funding for education and all social services.
John Batchell responds to a review of Doug Henwood’s new book “My Turn: Hillary targets the presidency" by Gregor Baszak, published in Platypus Review Issue 83.
Luis J. Rodriguez respnds to the Nelson Peery interview, published in Platypus Review Issue 81.
THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS for the nomination of the Democrat and Republican candidates for President have demonstrated the depth and extent of the disarray of the two Parties. Sanders has successfully challenged Hillary and has gone beyond being a mere messenger of protest to become a real contender for the Democratic Party nomination. But this has been on the basis of the Democrats' established constituencies and so has limited Sanders's reach.
On August 6th in Frankfurt am Main in Germany there was a Platypus panel on the question‚ “What is a left political organization?” Among the panelists was Daniel Behruzi from the German section of the Committee for a Worker’s International (CWI). Read the response by DGS_TaP and systemcrash.