ACCORDING TO MARX, capitalism is the contradiction of bourgeois social relations and industrial forces of production. The effect of this self-contradiction of bourgeois society in industrial production is the division of capital and labor.
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Presented at a Platypus teach-in on the 150th anniversary of Lenin’s birth, April 22, 2020.
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ON FEBRUARY 14TH I CAUGHT A BOLT BUS from the NYC Port Authority to the 30th St Station in Philadelphia. Once in Philly I headed for the house of a DSAer whom I had never met before.
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I APPROACHED PLATYPUS’ RECENT INTERVIEWS with John Zerzan and Derrick Jensen with much interest. I was especially curious to see if either had modified their views in any way given the recent appropriation of nihilistic environmental rhetoric by various white nationalists and self-proclaimed eco-fascists, including last year’s mass shooters in El Paso and New Zealand.
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THE CURRENT POLITICAL POLARIZATION in the U.S. is not Democrat vs. Republican or the minorities of race, gender and sexuality against straight white men: It is between the politics of free stuff vs. the politics of jobs — demands for more free stuff vs. demands for more jobs.
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