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Rosa, behind bars.

Come watch a film about radical Second International intellectual Rosa Luxemburg.

It's a potluck, so bring food.  Eat food.  Talk about the movie, Rosa, the latest Platypus Review, the Sexual Liberation Event.  Check out the Mess Hall space.  Have a good time.

(This) Friday the 23rd, at the Mess hall from 7:30- 10:30.

Friday the 28th of August at 5-7pm in the SAIC Michigan Building, room # 501.

We will be reading and discussing: U.S. Labor in the crisis: resistance or retreat by Lee Sustar

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Andy Stern
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Protests

At the 1st annual international convention of the Platypus Affiliated Society, in Chicago, June 12-14, 2009, the concluding plenary event, a discussion on Platypus's theoretical stance, its raison d'etre, and where the project will be going.

Richard Rubin speaks on "Four Types of Ambiguity;" Chris Cutrone speaks on "History, Theory;" and Ian Morrison speaks on "What is to be Done?" Audience question-and-answer discussion follows. Held on June 14th, 2009 at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Transcript can be found on our website (Click below):

The Platypus Affiliated Society presents, a moderated panel discussion and audience Q&A addressing issues of global capital, trade unions, workers rights, international solidarity, and immigration, in light of recent economic and political change.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

280 S. Columbus Drive (main auditorium)

Speakers include:

Abraham Mwaura, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, organizer at the Republic Windows & Doors Factory.

Chuck Hendricks, Unite Here organizer

Aaron Hughes, representative at the International Labor Conference Erbil Iraq, and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War

James Thindwa, executive director of Chicago Jobs with Justice

Forum: Left Behind: The Working Class In The Crisis (Audio)
Transcript of the forum is available here.

Left Behind: the working class in the crisis

The Platypus Affiliated Society presents a moderated panel discussion and audience Q&A addressing issues of global capital, trade unions, workers rights, international solidarity, and immigration, in light of recent economic and political change. Held on Thursday April 23, 2009, at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.


Abraham Mwaura, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, organizer at the Republic Windows & Doors Factory.
Chuck Hendricks, Unite Here organizer
Aaron Hughes, representative at the International Labor Conference Erbil Iraq, and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War
James Thindwa, executive director of Chicago Jobs with Justice

Transcript in Platypus Review #13: