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Chicago, New York

Saturdays 1–4PM CST

School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)
112 S. Michigan Ave. room 920

Sundays 2–5PM EST

New School University
Eugene Lang College
65 W. 11th St. room 258

Summer 2013

Late capitalism

β€’ required / + recommended reading

Week 1. | Jun. 22–23, 2013

β€’ Moishe Postone, "Contemporary historical transformations: Mandel and Bell" (1999)
β€’ Daniel Bell, "Modernism and capitalism" (Foreword to The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, 1978)
+ Postone, "Theorizing the contemporary world: Brenner, Arrighi, Harvey" (2006)

Week 2. | Jun. 29–30, 2013

β€’ Ernest Mandel, Late Capitalism (1972) pp. 8-183

Week 3. | Jul. 6–7, 2013

β€’ Mandel, Late Capitalism pp. 184-342

Week 4. | Jul. 13–14, 2013

β€’ Mandel, Late Capitalism pp. 343-473

Week 5. | Jul. 20–21, 2013

β€’ Mandel, Late Capitalism pp. 474-590

A plenary presentation by Chris Cutrone, Spencer Leonard, and Richard Rubin, delivered on April 7th, 2012 as part of the 2013 Platypus Affiliated International Convention held at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, upon the trajectories of their personal political development that led to Platypus.

The 2013 annual "President's Report" presented by Platypus International Convention President Chris Cutrone, on the subject of the Left in the 1980s.

At the fifth annual international convention of the Platypus Affiliated Society, speakers from various perspectives were asked to bring their experience of the Left's recent history to bear on today's political possibilities and challenges as part of the "Differing Perspectives on the Left" workshop series.

A workshop on the International Marxist Tendency (Canada), with Noah Gataveckas, held on April 6th, 2013, at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

At the fifth annual international convention of the Platypus Affiliated Society, speakers from various perspectives were asked to bring their experience of the Left's recent history to bear on today's political possibilities and challenges as part of the "Differing Perspectives on the Left" workshop series.

A workshop on SYRIZA, with Andreas Karitzis, held on April 6th, 2013, at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.