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ON NOVEMBER 15, New York University announced the opening of a new Center for the Study of Antisemitism. Among its central goals, “the Center will research both classical forms of antisemitism as well as the ‘new antisemitism’ and its links to anti-Zionism.” With the hermeneutic suspicion of the anti-Zionist Jew and Marxist-Leninist I am, I ask: what is this “new antisemitism,” and what is to be done? Here, as I frequently do, I went to consult Lenin.
On October 1, 2023, Platypus Affiliated Society member Ceci Chang interviewed Nick, a member and former chair of the Charleston, South Carolina chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Nick’s interview does not attempt to express the opinion of the DSA as a whole, but only one member’s personal thoughts and responses to his time in the DSA. An edited transcript follows.
"What the Nazis did to the Jews was unspeakable: language has no word for it, since even mass murder would have sounded, in face of its planned, systematic totality, like something from the good old days of the serial killer. And yet a term needed to be found if the victims—in any case too many for their names to be recalled—were to be spared the curse of having no thoughts turned unto them. So in English the concept of genocide was coined."