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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/Archive for category 2020
ANY REVOLUTION IN THE UNITED STATES will express the desire to preserve, sustain and promote the further development of the original American Revolution. The future of socialism, not merely in North America but in the whole world, depends on the fate of the American Revolution.
MY FAVORITE QUOTE FROM TOM PAINE is, “The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.” I would change “mankind” to “humankind,” but otherwise that quote is close to a succinct summary of my worldview.
The following is an edited transcript of an interview with Wayne Price conducted on September 14th, 2019. Wayne Price is a former member of the International Socialists and the author of The Abolition of the State: Anarchist & Marxist Perspectives and other works.

Der Ferienlesekreis beschäftigt sich mit der ersten Internationale und dem Verhältnis zwischen Anarchismus und Marxismus - u.a. bei Bakunin und Kropotkin.

On February 7, 2020, at Boston College, the Platypus Affiliated Society hosted a panel titled "Freedom in the Anthropocene".

The Dutch atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen recently characterized the period marked by the start of the industrial revolution in the 18th Century to the present as a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene. This periodization is meant to capture a change in the history of the planet, namely that for the first time in history its course will be determined by the question of what humanity will become.