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You are here: The Platypus Affiliated Society/Archive for category 2019

Former president of Platypus Chris Cutrone is interviewed on the Symptomatic Redness podcast with host Derick Varn, and guest host Lexi Kay of Swampside Chats. Chris took on a variety of relatively hostile questions for a few hours and this is second part of the conversation. It is available in full for Zero Books Patrons only. Derick Varn is a former member of the Platypus Affiliated Society.

Sundays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Sidewinder Coffee
4181 Hamilton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45223

[ • required / + recommended reading ]

recommended book: Isaac Deutscher, Marxism, Wars and Revolutions: Essays from Four Decades (Verso, 1984) [ * essays included in book]

recommended background reading:
Spartacist League, Genesis of Pabloism (1972)

Week 1. June 16, 2019

• Leon Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet Union and Where is it Going? (1936)

+ Trotsky, "Stalinism and Bolshevism" (1937)

+ Trotsky, letter to James P. Cannon of September 12, 1939

+ Trotsky, The USSR in War (1939)

Week 2. June 23, 2019

• Herbert Marcuse, 33 theses (1947)

• Shane Mage, "'Pure democracy' or political revolution in Eastern Europe?" excerpts from The Hungarian Revolution (1957) republished in Spartacist 30 (Autumn 1980) pp. 10-16

• Michael Harrington, "Marxism and democracy" (1981)

Week 3. June 30, 2019

(Recommended resource: Isaac Deutscher internet archive)

• Isaac Deutscher, "Two Revolutions" (1950) *

• Deutscher, "Stalin, Mao and Korea" (1950)

• Deutscher, "Khrushchev on Stalin" (1956)

Week 4. July 7, 2019

• Deutscher, "Three trends in Communism" (1959)

• Deutscher, "From Stalin to Adam Smith" (1959)

• Deutscher, "The tragedy of the Polish Communist Party" (1958) *

• Deutscher, 3 articles on Eastern Europe (letter to Gomulka, dialogue with Brandler, conversation with Trygve Lie) *

Week 5. July 14, 2019

• Deutscher, "Three currents in Communism" (1964)

• Deutscher, "Maoism — its origin and outlook" (1964) *

• Deutscher, "Vietnam in perspective" (1965)

• Deutscher, "The meaning of the 'Cultural Revolution'" (1966) *

Week 6. July 21, 2019

• Deutscher, The Unfinished Revolution: Russia 1917-67 (1967)

Week 7. July 28, 2019

• Deutscher, "Marxism in our time" (1965) *

• Deutscher, "Marxism and the New Left" (1967)

Im Sommersemester 2019 treffen wir uns immer mittwochs 16:00 - 17:00 Uhr im Café Anna Blume (IG 0.156). Sollte es mal geschlossen sein, werden wir ins Philo-Café (IG 2.451) ausweichen.

Die Coffee Break ist ein wöchentliches, öffentliches Diskussionstreffen, das sowohl die Möglichkeit bietet das Projekt Platypus näher kennenzulernen, als auch sich über aktuelle und historische politische Themen auszutauschen.

Lesen Sie hier den deutschsprachigen Platypus Review.

Come hang out with your friendly neighborhood Marxists. Grab a drink and talk about freedom, emancipation, revolution, socialism, Marxism, politics, and Platypus!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at 6 PM

Northside Tavern
4163 Hamilton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45223

A teach-in on trans liberation held by David Faes at Northwestern University on June 4th, 2019.


The socialist Left, which historically stood for increasing the scope of freedom, has historically shifted positions on issues of gender and sexuality. Recently, there has been some conflict over the trans identity, how it should be taken up by the Left if at all. What do such controversies tell us about the politics of sexual freedom and the history of the Left, moving forward? How did the historical socialist Left relate the struggle for sexual freedom to the broader struggle for freedom in greater society? What exactly do contemporary socialists mean today when they speak of sexual liberation, and what does it have to do with the broader task of the Left, of increasing the scope of human freedom?