"Margarethe von Trottas einfühlsames Porträt der radikalen Friedenskämpferin ist nicht nur ein Stück deutscher Zeitgeschichte, sondern widmet sich auch den Gefühlen und Motiven seiner Titelheldin. Barbara Sukowa bekam für ihre eindrucksvolle Leistung das Filmband in Gold und die Goldene Palme als Beste Darstellerin." (artfilm.net)
Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011, 20:00
IVI - Kettenhofweg 130 (3. Stock)
In diesem Semester möchte Platypus euch zu einem filmischen Durchlauf durch die Geschichte der Linken im 20. Jahrhundert einladen. An vier Abenden werden wir uns in gemütlicher Atmosphäre verschiedenen geschichtlichen Momenten der Linken nähern und die Gelegenheit zu einer anschließenden Diskussion haben.
Weitere Termine:
30.11.11 Kuhle Wampe (1932), Slátan Dudow (Drehbuch unter Mitarbeit von Bertolt Brecht)
21.12.11 Deutschland im Herbst (1978), u.A. Rainer Werner Fassbinder
25.01.12 Battle in Seattle (2007), Stuart Townsend
<a href="http://germany.platypus1917.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/1923-Jan-Zrzavy-Czech-artist-1890-1977-Kavarna-1923.jpg"><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-172" title="1923 Jan Zrzavy (Czech artist, 1890-1977) Kavarna 1923" src="http://germany.platypus1917.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/1923-Jan-Zrzavy-Czech-artist-1890-1977-Kavarna-1923-238x300.jpg" alt="" width="238" height="300" /></a>Platypus Coffee Breaks bieten eine hervorragende Gelegenheit Freunde, Unterstützer und Mitglieder von Platypus zu treffen. In einer offenen und geselligen Atmosphäre wollen wir uns über neuere Artikel der Platypus Review (PR) austauschen, der Geschichte und momentanen Lage der internationalen Linken auf den Grund gehen, die Arbeit der Gruppe in den USA, Canada und Großbritannien thematisieren oder einfach nur nett miteinander plaudern.
Dieses Semester: Jeden <strong>Mittwoch, 16 Uhr</strong> im <a href="http://www.asta.uni-frankfurt.de/service/studierendenhaus.html"><strong>Cafe KOZ</strong></a>.
Erdgeschoss des Studierendenhauses - Campus Bockenheim.
UPDATE: Noam Chomsky's talk has been moved to Saturday Oct. 22 due to the rain. Platypus will still be in attendance. The time hasn't been determined. Time: 6:00 PM. Dewey Square, Boston, MA.
Please make sure to coordinate with us at boston@platypus1917.org or use the contact tab.
This week, on 19th Oct 2011, the MassArt Coffee Break will meet at Dewey Square to attend a talk by Noam Chomsky.
Saturday, Oct 22| 6:00 PM
Noam Chomsky at OccupyBoston
FSU Soapbox, Dewey Square occupation.
Time: Thursday, October 13 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Place: CGIS South Building, Room, S050 Harvard University (Map: http://goo.gl/UoiC1)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=244226975629516
Contact: boston [at] platypus1917 [dot] org
Battle on Wall Street?
Part 1 of 2-part film screening series: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
"Want to know what the mother of all bubbles was? Came out of nowhere, by chance. They called it the Cambrian Explosion. It happened around 530 million years ago. And, over the next 70-80 million years, the rate of evolution accelerated so fast that we came along, the human race. They still can't explain how that happened, except that it happened. Some people say it was by chance. Others, design. But who really knows?"
The recent #occupy protests depart significantly from the anti-war politics that has defined activism on the Left for the past decade. Slogans decrying corporate greed now dominate the picket signs that until recently were used to condemn U.S. imperialism. However, does this spreading protest movement signal a new era of activism in the U.S.? Or, are these recent demonstrations expressing old and familiar discontents? Perhaps, as the role of Adbusters suggests, something of the 1990s has come back into vogue, bringing back to the fore the age-old hatred of the bankers and impersonal financial institutions, and opposition to neoliberal globalization, now in crisis. The spirit of the 1999 Seattle protest against the World Trade Organization seems to have returned, with a vengeance. Please join Platypus in considering the historical sources of the ongoing anti-Wall Street protests through the lens of two recent films that highlight the popular imagination of contemporary capitalism and its discontents.
Here are a few pictures of Platypus at Occupy Boston. On 10th Oct 2011, students from 20+ universities in/around Boston participated in a march to Dewey Sq. Platypus was there, handing out fliers and talking to people.