Bill Ayers Lecture @ SAIC Auditorium
A lecture by educator and social activist BILL AYERS
Monday,Ă‚ February 9
6:00 p.m.
SAICĂ‚ Auditorium
280 South Columbus Drive
6:00 p.m.
SAICĂ‚ Auditorium
280 South Columbus Drive
What's happening to intellectual space and what does the moment offer us as a way to resist? What's damaging the academy (including our own dogma) and how can we push back?
To all those in Chicago:
Join platypus at the Bill Ayers lecture; everyone is welcome to join or bring a friend. We will be meeting in front of the Columbus building at 5:30 so we can make sure to get seats. If anyone has any further questions, feel free to give me call or drop me an email. Hope to see you all there.
Chris Mansour