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After The Election: What's Left? (LSE, 29/1/20)

A moderated panel discussion held January 29, 2020 at London School of Economics in the wake of the 2019 UK general election.

The movement around Jeremy Corbyn has been the centre of the British Left since 2015. A generation of activists have thrown themselves into the Labour party, some abandoning former organisations or anti-party (anarchist) political perspectives. But in the wake of the landslide victory of the Conservative Party in 2019, the goals of the Left seem unclear. It feels like we’ve been here before. How did we get to this point? How has the election changed the political arena? How should the Left relate to the Labour party going forward? Is the Left transforming Labour or is Labour transforming the Left? Is the goal of the Left socialism in the 21st century? If so, what is socialism and how can we achieve it? After the election, what's Left?

Philip Cunliffe
Rida Vaquas
Neil Faulkner
Helena Nicholson